cbse schools in Navalur


School provides transportation by buses and the transportation charges will vary as per the distance from the school. A detailed transportation route map can be seen in the Transport section in school office.

  • 3 Passport Size Photographs of Student
  • Birth Certificate copy of the Student
  • Original School Transfer Certificate of the Student (Applicable for Grade I onwards)
  • Copy of Report Card of previous class
  • Copy of Residence Proof  (Rent agreement, Voter ID, Electricity bill)
  • Aadhar Card copy of Student
  • Copy of Vaccination Card
  • 3 Passport Size photographs of Father and Mother
  • Copy of photo identity of Parents

The Academic session will start tentatively on 2nd June 2025.

You can collect the application form from the school office on any working day. The form should be completed and submitted along with required documents and registration fee.

The MS Dhoni Global School strives to maintain a ratio of 1 teacher for every 20 students (1:20).

Since the school follows a progressive and sophisticated methodology, external tuition and coaching classes are not advised. In the event you would like to send your child for external classes on any subject, we strongly urge you to discuss it with the school in advance.

Check out our Admissions Guidelines page. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to Contact Us.

We encourage parents to take a proactive interest in their child’s education. Every year the school will conduct an orientation program for new parents so that the parents may understand the complimentary activities and programs that they can use at home to augment their child’s education, and also to introduce the various programs that the school offers with which a parent can actively take part in their child’s life at school. In addition, the school also encourages parents to take classes or conduct workshops, assist teachers, planning field trips, and anything else that a parent might wish to do to further their child’s growth. Teachers are available for consultation or discussion with a day’s prior notice.

Registration for Admissions Open for 2025-26